Hill Air-Flex II Flexion & Distraction Table

The new AIRFLEX II features all of the ground-breaking air-powered innovations of its best-selling predecessor plus dynamic new features that place it in a class by itself–features like Target Touch™ patient balancing, Smart Lock and Sleep Mode which resets all functions between patients and an even larger air capacity. The stunning new touchscreen, with intuitive interface, is a virtual command center for the table's advanced functionality. Aiflex II is perfect for doctors who want a full-featured manual flexion and distraction chiropractic table (air-controlled) with the option of adding automatic flexion and automatic decompression (for strictly Auto-Flexion Chiropractic Table, see la HIll AFT). With patients counterbalanced on a cushion of compressed air, doctors love the Air-Flex for its amazingly responsive treatment action. There is truly no other flexion distraction table like it!

Table Air-Flex II Flexion & Distraction

  • Starting at 7295.00 € Excl TAX
(Price includes air freight)

Color of the table base and the upholstery to be defined

  • Tilting Headpiece and Thoracic Release
  • Air-Controlled Flexion & Distraction w/ pressure pedal
  • 7" HD Touchscreen
  • Target Touch™ delivers nearly instant flexion balancing and easy patient set-up.
  • Sleep Mode automatically resets and replenishes all air functions between each patient.
  • Removable tiller bar at foot-end
  • Lateral Flexion with locking mechanisms
  • Slide-out Ankle Support with Ankle Harnesses
  • Electric Height Controlled by Foot Pedal
  • Height range from 21 1/2" to 29" (22 1/2" to 30" upon request; Higher starting heights available)
  • Width 24", Medium Density Foam (Soft or Firm Foam on Request)
  • Table top length - 5'8" (extends to 6'5")
  • Choice of 20 Colors for the Top Cushions
  • Microban® Antimicrobial Protection
  • One-year warranty on all parts (repair in return workshop)


set up your tableRecommended Options

Click and open the sections below and choose the options you need

choose your options

Section Headpiece

  • F14 Cervical Dual Manual Drop

    450.00 +

    Double cervical manual drop of the headrest forward and downward movement.

  • F17 Cervical Dual Air Drop

    800.00 +

    Double cervical air-drop of the headstock moving forward and downward.

  • F15 Raised Headpiece Recommended

    350.00 +

    The Headrest mounts up to 12.7 cm above the surface of the table

  • F22 Flexion Headpiece

    495.00 +

    A manual pneumatic flexion headpiece that can be combined with either a manual or air dual drop.

  • 92D Toggle Height Switch

    100.00 +

    The Toggle Height Switch is usually added in addition to the height foot pedal to control the height by hand (though it can be added to control other functions). It mounts under any cushion. Like a foot pedal, it activates when pressed, has "up" on one side, "down" on the other, and neutral in the middle.

  • 84F Sliding Axial Motion Recommended

    284.00 +

    This option is highly recommended to improve patient comfort with the ability to unlock the headpiece to move in an axial motion while in automatic flexion. After unlocking the headpiece, the headpiece and patient's head is then allowed to glide with the natural movement of a flexion treatment.

  • F21 CBP Headpiece

    495.00 +

    Used for physical Bio Chiropractic including translational and lateral flexion functions. Requires the purchase of option # F15.  Not available with F22

Section Thoracic / Lumbar / Pelvic

  • F11 Air Thoracic Drop

    800.00 +

    Thoracic drop, triggering with the air pressure pedal

  • F12 Air Lumbar Drop

    800.00 +

    Lumbar drop, triggering with the air pressure pedal

  • F11-F12

    1600.00 +

    Airdrop Package : Thoracic,Lumbar

  • F13 Air Pelvic Drop

    800.00 +

    Crisp action and instantly recocks at the touch of the foot pedal.

  • F10 Air-Activated Thoracic Breakaway

    350.00 +

    Customize and Control the the amount of spring in the thoracic section using the air pressure foot pedal for each individual patient.

Section Width, Height and Upholstery

  • 86C Male Notch in Pelvic Drop

    55.00 +

    Cutting the pelvic cushion for more comfort for men

  • 80 Removable width extensions

    237.00 +

    8 cm x 53cm. Adds 15cm to the width of the table. Used for massage therapy.

  • 97- 27 inch width (68.5CM)*

    103.00 +

    27 inch wide cushions (standard is 24 inches),(not recommended for doctors under 6 feet tall or with limited reach) * Transport costs import in addition of 300 € excl tax

  • 140 Finesse Tricot Material Recommended

    299.00 +

    Foam-backed, puncture-resistant with the look and feel of fine leather. Please see color chart for details.

Section Foot and Hand Controls

  • 92-AH Extra Foot Pedal for Air-control at the Head-end

    120.00 +

    Additional foot pedal added to the head-end of the table to control the air pressure.

  • 92-AF Extra Foot Pedal for Air-control at the Foot-end

    124.00 +

    Additional foot pedal added to the foot-end of the table to control the air pressure.

  • 92-HH Extra Foot Pedal for Height-control at the Head-end

    124.00 +

    Additional foot pedal added to the head-end of the table to control the table height.

  • 92-HF Extra Foot Pedal for Height-control at the Foot-end

    135.00 +

    Additional foot pedal added to the foot-end of the table to control the table height.

  • 92B Auto-Touch Foot Pedal

    186.00 +

    This feature changes the standard "press-and-hold" function of your HEIGHT foot pedal to a "tap-and-release" function instead. For example: With table at the lowest height, tap-and-release the "UP" arrow to start the upward height motion. The table will continue to rise until the pedal is tapped a second time. Can be applied to a corded OR a Rocker Foot Pedal.

  • 92C Dual Rocker Foot Pedal

    124.00 +

    The Dual Rocker Foot Pedal attaches to the base on both sides of the table.

  • 92CS Rocker Foot Pedal Substitute

    42.00 +

    The Dual Rocker Foot Pedal Substitute removes the standard foot pedal and it attaches to the base on both sides of the table.

  • 92E Two Power Foot Strips

    315.00 +

    Two 30" long power foot strips on each side of the table that control the air drops.

Section Automatic

  • F20 Automatic Flexion

    2781.00 +

    Automatic and manual flexion combination. Automatic Flexion controlled by 7" HD touchscreen. Adds one-touch controls the depth, speed, hold time and cycles of flexion.

  • F27 Auto-Distraction (Lumbar & Cervical)

    3810.00 +

    7" HD touchscreen-controlled lumbar and cervical automatic-distraction combination. Accurately control the rest, pull, pull percentage, time and cycles from a powerful touchscreen interface.

  • F25 Auto-Distraction (Lumbar only)

    3090.00 +

    7" HD touchscreen-controlled lumbar automatic-distraction . Accurately control the rest, pull, pull percentage, time and cycles from a powerful touchscreen interface.

  • F27 with F20

    6591.00 +

    7" HD Touch screen based lumbar and cervical automatic distraction combination. Touch screen folds under the table when not in use. Accurately control the rest, pull, pull percentage, time and cycles from a powerful touchscreen interface.

Section Base

  • F72 Patient Gripper Bars Recommended

    248.00 +

    Grab bars for patients, adjust in length and give patients a firm grip to grasp to stabilize them during flexion.

  • 93 Caster System for mobility Recommended

    325.00 +

    Makes moving the table easy. Engaged with a foot lever on both ends of the table. Not an option with adjustable feet.

  • F24 Pelvic Rotation Recommended

    155.00 +

    Rotation of the pelvic cushion and blocking at any angle.

  • AIRFLEX II 220 Volt CE

    289.00 +

    This adds a 220 volt power supply to the electrical system for international use outside the United States.

Section Airflex II Maintenance and Accessories

  • 48 Single Seat Belt

    78.00 +

    Adds a strong, click-to-lock seatbelt, for securing the patient around the waist during treatment.

  • 85TB 16x20 (51x41 cm) Thoracic Board

    103.00 +

    The thoracic board is used to lay over the thoracic section and create a firm surface for manipulation. Board dimensions are 20" x16" (51x41 cm) and upholstered to match your table.
    Thoracic board

  • 150 Gas-powered Stool

    186.00 +

    Exam Stool
    Hill Exam Stools can be upholstered in a variety of colors to match your Hill Treatment table and office decor. Our stools features a professional standard design and pneumatic (gas-powered) adjustable height controlled by a lever.
    More details

  • 151 Gas-powered Stool with back

    265.00 +

    Exam Stool Hill Exam Stools can be upholstered in a variety of colors to match your Hill Treatment table and office decor. Our stools features a professional standard design and pneumatic (gas-powered) adjustable height controlled by a lever.
    More details

  • 136 Hill Upholstery Cleaner Recommended 60.00 +

    Hill Laboratories Leather and Vinyl Cleaner conditions and cleans, keeping your table looking like new. 4 - 22oz spray bottles/case.
    More details

  • H7144 Disinfectant Spray Recommended 62.00 +

    Protex® is a one-step cleaner/disinfectant, effective against a broad spectrum of pathogens, including MRSA, HIV, Staph and COVID-19.
    More details

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Table Air-Flex II Flexion & Distraction 7295.00 € Excl TAX

Options (Add items on the right)

* Prices shown are international shipping, import duties and customs duties included
*Prices are excluding VAT 20% effective in addition.
*The simulated price shown does not include delivery to your office.
*The indicated prices are subject to the fluctuation of the Dollar and the Euro, you must ask a confirmation of estimate and it must be sent to you.
*Order taking is subject to the terms and conditions of sale
* The additional costs linked to import costs and / or the additional costs linked to air transport will be directly attributable to the price of the goods.


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